Communication is an essential part of knowledge and understanding. You can contact us directly by email or Skype. After you have sent us a messsage we can call you back or arrange a live demonstration online. We also offer face to face meetings in London, the UK and Europe.
Ask us any question, any time. If you have an idea for a visualization or mapping project, or if you want to create an informative presentation or report, get in touch. If you don’t know exactly what you are looking for, or if you have any questions about what we do, then we can introduce our vision. We work closely with our clients and every project is unique.
Arrange a live video call, using Skype or Zoom.
Arrange a face to face meeting
Free in London. Negotiable in rest of UK & Europe.
We are available 24/7 and can work with individuals, institutions and organisations from around the world.
We offer live demonstrations via Skype or Zoom.
Based in the London, we are also able to offer face to face meetings and demonstrations in the UK.
Further details can be found on our contact page >>
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